Table of Contents
In this page you will learn how to build a Telegram Bot with R and the
package, with the following sections:
- Creating a Telegram Bot
- Introduction to the Telegram Bot API
- The Package
- Building an R Bot in 3 steps
- Adding Functionalities
So, let’s get started!
Creating a Telegram Bot
First, you must have or create a Telegram account. Second, you’ll need to create a Telegram Bot in order to get an Access Token. You can do so by talking to @BotFather and following a few simple steps. Telegram bots can receive messages or commands. The former are simply text that you send as if you were sending a message to another person, while the latter are prefixed with a /
character. To create a new bot, send the following command to BotFather as a chat (exactly as if you were talking to another person on Telegram):
You should get a reply instantly that asks you to choose a name for your Bot. You have to send then the name you want for the bot, which can be anyone, for instance:
BotFather will now ask you to pick a username for your Bot. This username has to end in bot
, and be globally unique. In this tutorial we’ll indicate the Bot’s username with <your-bot-username>
, so you’ll have to substitute your chosen username wherever relevant from now on. Send your chosen username to BotFather:
After doing so, BotFather will send you a “Congratulations” message, which will include a token. The token should look something like this:
For the rest of this tutorial, we’ll indicate where you need to put your token by using <your-bot-token>
or just TOKEN
. Take note of the token, as you’ll need it in the code that you are about to write.
Introduction to the Telegram Bot API
You can control your Bot by sending HTTPS requests to Telegram. This means that the simplest way to interact with your Bot is through a web browser. By visiting different URLs, you send different commands to your Bot. The simplest command is one where you get information about your Bot. Visit the following URL in your browser (substituting the TOKEN
that you got before):<your-bot-token>/getMe
The first part of the URL indicates that you want to communicate with the Telegram API (
). You follow this with /bot
to say that you want to send a command to your Bot, and immediately after you add your TOKEN
to identify which bot you want to send the command to and to prove that you own it. Finally, you specify the command that you want to send (/getMe
) which in this case just returns basic information about our Bot using JSON.
Retrieving messages sent to your Bot
The simplest way to retrieve messages sent to your Bot is through the getUpdates
If you this page you’ll get a JSON response of all the new messages sent to your Bot. Try sending a message to your Bot and visit that URL.
Sending a message from your Bot
The final API call that we’ll try out in the browser is that used to send a message. To do this, you need the chat ID for the chat where you want to send the message. There are a bunch of different IDs in the JSON response from the getUpdates
call, so make sure you get the right one. It’s the id field which is inside the chat field. Once you have this ID, visit the following URL in your browser, substituting <chat-id>
for your chat ID.<your-bot-token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<chat-id>&text=TestReply
Once you’ve visited this URL, you should see a message from your Bot sent to your which says “TestReply”.
The Package
You could program with R some functions that send these HTTPS requests and processes its responses. Fortunately, there is a package that allows you to do that:
. It uses httr
and jsonlite
packages to do such work. Additionally, it features a number of tools to make the development of Telegram bots with R easy and straightforward, providing an easy-to-use interface that takes some work off the programmer.
Thereby, the
package consists of several R6
classes, and the API is exposed via the Bot
class. The methods names are equivalents of the methods described in the official Telegram Bot API. The exact snake_case method names are also available for your convenience. So for example Bot$get_updates
is the same as Bot$getUpdates
Creating a Bot instance
To get a feeling for the API and how to use it with
, we will reproduce the URL based example we just saw, done with R with this package.
First, create an instance of the Bot
class, where TOKEN
should be replaced by the API token you received from @BotFather:
# install.packages("")
bot <- Bot(token = "TOKEN")
To check if your credentials are correct, call the getMe API method:
Note: Bots can’t initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use<your-bot-username>
links or username search to find your bot (searching for @<your-bot-username>
in any of the Telegram clients).
Getting and retrieving messages
You can get updates from your bot with the command:
updates <- bot$getUpdates()
This will retrieve a list
generated from the JSON response from the server. In order to send a response, you can do it so with the following command:
chat_id <- "CHAT_ID" # you can retrieve it from bot$getUpdates() after sending a message to the bot
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = chat_id, text = "TestReply")
Note that all methods accept their equivalent snake_case
syntax (e.g. bot$get_me()
is equivalent to bot$getMe()
Develop a Telegram Bot with R
In order to build a bot that is continuously running and is able to respond to multiple input data formats, the
package features several R6
classes, but the two most important ones here are Updater
and Dispatcher
The Updater
class continuously fetches new updates from Telegram and passes them on to the Dispatcher
class. If you create an Updater
object, it will create a Dispatcher
. You can then register handlers of different types in the Dispatcher
, which will sort the updates fetched by the Updater
according to the handlers you registered, and deliver them to a callback function that you defined. Every handler is an instance of any subclass of the Handler
Finally you can run the bot with its method start_polling
, which runs a loop that has the following structure:
- Get updates through the
method using Long Polling. - Dispatch each update to the appropriate process function.
- Send an answer if specified in those functions.
Below we explain how to build a bot with this structure.
Building an R Bot in 3 steps
In this section we will explain how to build a Bot with R and
following the next steps:
1. Creating the Updater object
First, you first must create an Updater
object. Replace TOKEN
with your Telegram Bot’s API Access Token, which looks something like 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
updater <- Updater(token = "TOKEN")
Recommendation: Following Hadley’s API
it’s unsafe to type the TOKEN
just in the R script. It’s better to use
environment variables set in .Renviron
So let’s say you have named your bot RTelegramBot
(it’s the first question
you answered to the BotFather when creating it); you can open the .Renviron
file with the R commands:
file.edit(path.expand(file.path("~", ".Renviron")))
And put the following line with
your TOKEN
in your .Renviron
If you follow the suggested R_TELEGRAM_BOT_
prefix convention you’ll be able
to use the bot_token
function (otherwise you’ll have to get
these variable from Sys.getenv
After you’ve finished these steps restart R in order to have
working environment variables. You can then create the Updater
object as:
updater <- Updater(token = bot_token("RTelegramBot"))
2. The first function
Now, you can define a function that should process a specific type of update:
start <- function(bot, update){
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
text = sprintf("Hello %s!", update$message$from$first_name))
The goal is to have this function called every time the Bot receives a Telegram message that contains the /start
To accomplish that, you can use a CommandHandler
(one of the provided Handler
sub-classes) and register it in the updaters
’s dispatcher
(which is done with the +
start_handler <- CommandHandler("start", start)
updater <- updater + start_handler
3. Starting the Bot
And that’s all you need. To start the bot, run:
Give it a try! Start a chat with your bot and issue the /start
command - if all went right, it will reply.
Adding Functionalities
We have already built a Telegram Bot with R. However, it can now only answer to the /start
command, so now we are going to add a couple of functionalities, including:
Text responses
Let’s add another handler that listens for regular messages.
Use the MessageHandler
, another Handler
subclass, to echo to all text messages:
echo <- function(bot, update){
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = update$message$chat_id, text = update$message$text)
updater <- updater + MessageHandler(echo, MessageFilters$text)
From now on, your bot should echo all non-command messages it receives.
Note: As soon as you add new handlers to the updaters
’s dispatcher
(done with the +
operator), they are in effect.
Note: The MessageFilters
object contains a number of functions that filter incoming messages for text, images, status updates and more.
Any message that returns TRUE
for at least one of the filters passed to MessageHandler
will be accepted.
You can also write your own filters if you want.
Commands with arguments
Let’s add some actual functionality to your bot. We want to implement a /caps
command that will take some text as an argument and reply to it in CAPS.
To make things easy, you can receive the arguments (as a vector
, split on spaces) that were passed to a command in the callback function:
caps <- function(bot, update, args){
if (length(args > 0L)){
text_caps <- toupper(paste(args, collapse = " "))
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
text = text_caps)
updater <- updater + CommandHandler("caps", caps, pass_args = TRUE)
Note: Take a look at the pass_args = TRUE
in the CommandHandler
This is required to let the handler know that you want it to pass the list of command arguments to the callback.
All handler classes have keyword arguments like this. Some are the same among all handlers, some are specific to the handler class.
If you use a new type of handler for the first time, look it up in the docs and see if one of them is useful to you.
Unknown command handling
Not bad! However, some confused users might try to send commands to the bot that it doesn’t understand, so you can use a MessageHandler
with a command
filter to reply to all commands that were not recognized by the previous handlers.
unknown <- function(bot, update){
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
text = "Sorry, I didn't understand that command.")
updater <- updater + MessageHandler(unknown, MessageFilters$command)
Stopping the Bot
If you’re done playing around, you can stop the Bot either by using the the interrupt R
command in the session menu (in RStudio you can press the STOP
button) or by calling the updater$stop_polling()
method. Below we will define a command that uses this method:
# Example of a 'kill' command
kill <- function(bot, update){
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
text = "Bye!")
# Clean 'kill' update
bot$getUpdates(offset = update$update_id + 1L)
# Stop the updater polling
updater <<- updater + CommandHandler("kill", kill)
Now you can send the command /kill
from Telegram to stop the Bot. However, in a production environment it wouldn’t be recommendable to leave this command as it is now, as anyone could stop the bot. To solve this, you can create a customized filter in order to make this command available only for a certain user_id
, for instance. This is explained in the next section.
Note: With the superassignment operator <<-
we assign the updater
in the enclosing environment so to call it from inside the kill
Advanced Filters
It is also possible to write your own filters used with MessageHandler
and CommandHandler
. In essence, a filter is simply a function that receives a Message
instance and returns either TRUE
. If a filter evaluates to TRUE
, the message will be handled.
This page describes advanced use cases for the filters used with MessageHandler
or CommandHandler
Combining filters
When using MessageHandler
it is sometimes useful to have more than one filter. This can be done using so called binary operators. Using
, you can operate BaseFilter
instances with &
, |
and !
meaning AND, OR and NOT respectively.
Message is either video, photo, or document (generic file)
handler <- MessageHandler(callback, MessageFilters$video | MessageFilters$photo | MessageFilters$document)
Message is a forwarded photo
handler <- MessageHandler(callback, MessageFilters$forwarded & MessageFilters$photo)
Message is a photo and it’s not forwarded
handler <- MessageHandler(callback, MessageFilters$photo & (! MessageFilters$forwarded))
Custom filters
It is also possible to write your own filters used with MessageHandler
and CommandHandler
. In essence, a filter is simply a function that receives a Message
instance and returns either TRUE
. This function has to be implemented in a new class that inherits from BaseFilter
, which allows it to be combined with other filters. If a filter evaluates to TRUE
, the message will be handled.
Restricting users
Say that for the kill
example we saw previously, we would like to filter that command so to make it accessible only for a specific USER_ID
. Thereby, you could add a filter:
filter_user <- function(message) message$from_user == "USER_ID"
You can make the function an instance of BaseFilter
either with its generator:
filter_user <- BaseFilter(filter = filter_user)
Or by coercing it with as.BaseFilter
filter_user <- as.BaseFilter(function(message) message$from_user == "USER_ID")
Remember that to make it work, your filter must be a function
that takes a message
as input and returns a boolean: TRUE
if the message should be handled, FALSE
Now, you could update the handler with this filter:
kill_handler <- CommandHandler("kill", kill, filter_user)
Text or command filter
Filters can also be added to the MessageFilters
object. Within it, we can see that MessageFilters$text
and MessageFilters$command
are mutually exclusive, so we could add a filter for messages that can be either one of them. This would result as:
MessageFilters$text_or_command <- BaseFilter(function(message) !is.null(message$text))
The class can of cause be named however you want, the only important things are:
- The class has to inherit from
. - It has to implement a
method. - The filter must be a
that takes amessage
as input and returns a boolean.
The filter can then be used as:
handler <- MessageHandler(callback, MessageFilters$text_or_command)
That’s it for now! With this tutorial you may have the first guidelines to develop your R bot.
Want more?
If you want to learn more about Telegram Bots with R, you can look at these resources:
- Package
GitHub Repo or its Wiki to look at all methods and features available. - You can also check Telegram’s documentation Bots: An introduction for developers and Telegram Bot API to familiarize with the API.